If you are suffering from chronic back pain, you know it can affect your ability to lead an active, productive life. Chronic back pain can affect everything from mood, personal relationships and livelihood to your overall mental state and well being. The following are some ways it may be impacting your life that you didn’t think about.

Mental State

Chronic back pain can have a very profound affect on your mental health and stability. It can have a direct affect on your mood and desire to remain active leading to increased anxiety and stress levels.

Poor Aging

Chronic back pain often leads to a sedentary lifestyle with prolonged periods of inactivity. This often leads to poor eating habits, lack of exercise, and weight gain.

Friends/Family/Social Activities 

Chronic Back pain can lead to prolonged periods away from friends, family, and beloved social activities. Is Chronic back pain causing you to miss dinners, parties, family functions, or sporting events?


Chronic back pain can lead to the inability to perform your job in a safe, comfortable manner. This can impact your job performance and often leads to missed work days and in many cases, job loss.


At Express Chiropractic, your Schertz Chiropractor provides safe, effective, affordable chiropractic adjustments with no appointment needed.

A study of 283 patients with chronic low back and leg pain were given 2 to 3 weeks of chiropractic adjustments. 81% of patients with referred pain achieved a “good result defined as symptom-free to mild intermittent symptoms but with “no restrictions for work or other activities.”

Note – these patients had experienced failed results with previous conservative and/or operative procedures and in most cases considered completely disabled.

Kirkaldy-Willis WH, Cassidy JD; Spinal Manipulation in the Treatment of Low Back Pain; Canadian Family Physician, March 1985, Vol. 31, pp. 535-540